Hmm. My school is currently conducting e-learning (yesterday and today), and this is a compulsory language arts blog posting. To make it clear for all, for Language Arts e-learning we are supposed to take a Multiple Intelligences (MI) test, post its implications on the blog, and according to that pick our To Kill a Mockingbird assignments (two of them, which we shall also post on our blogs). Oh well, here goes nothing.
I do not know how to post a picture of the Birmingham grid for learning, but the url of the website which I took the test is and my secret code is cc2shg8gd88028g. You can view the results if you want to.
As expected, my strongest two areas are Naturalistic and Spatial. Not much of a surprise…if you read my profile. My other stronger fields are Interpersonal and Linguistic. I would gladly exchange my Intrapersonal score with my Interpersonal score, though. I do need to brush up on my interpersonal skills. And now for the ouch part. Logic, Interpersonal, Music and Kinesthetic- I expected that too. I guess it did not take this MI test for me to know my abilities. Oh wait-that means that the test result stating that my Intrapersonal abilities being high is accurate!
Okay, and so what does this mean? Basically, it paints a rough picture of what my strengths and weaknesses are, and what I am like. I am clearly interested in nature and art, reserved and not so social (and therefore not very good in mingling around with others), stronger in the languages but weaker in logic (I always knew that!), music and body (both kinesthetic and strength-wise).
But a note of warning here: while the results I obtained from the test are fairly accurate, this test is prone to much inaccuracy. MI tests judge you on your opinions (e.g. questions: I know myself well, or I keep or like pets), which are subject to your own perspective of definitions. Your very good may be another person’s normal. Therefore such tests are only a rough gauge of our abilities. You would probably know them better yourself, anyway.
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